BABOON DEFENDERS are a core group of supporters who have agreed to stand with us as a voice for baboons. All we ask is that you do what you can, when you can. On occasion we may ask for your help – whatever it is, it will be what is truly needed, when it is needed most!
Baboon Defenders:
- Speak out on behalf of baboons by writing letters to officials when required
- Report cruelty or unnecessary aggression towards baboons to us or your local SPCA
- Commit to trying to reduce how much food ends up in your waste – only buy what you need and eat it before the expiration date. Consider composting or a worm farm to recycle food waste
- Baboon-proof your house – everything you need to know can be found on this site
- Join our litter campaigns kicking off in May, or start one of your own. Baboons are drawn to residential areas because of litter and waste
- Join our education campaigns kicking off later this year. Are you an educator? We need help to spread our baboon-friendly message far and wide.
If you’d like to join us, please provide your details below. We will not share these details with any third parties.
Thank you!
Jenni Trethowan
084 413 9482
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