Living with Baboons
Living with Baboons
Baboons on the Urban and Agricultural Edge

The relentless expansion of urban and agricultural areas means shrinking natural habitat for our baboon neighbours, and this results in escalating human-baboon conflict.
Males often become targets when conflict arises, but killing males does little to stop the troop’s raiding behaviour – it does, however, causes chaos in troop social structures and often results in infanticide as the new male establishes his dominance. In a study of urban troops, 53% of all infants born died within one year.
Killing dispersing males impacts on the genetic diversity needed for healthy troops.
This lack of genetic spread is of particular concern in isolated populations such as troops on the Cape Peninsula, where traditional migration routes off and onto the Peninsula have long since been cut off by urban sprawl.
Aggressive and lethal management of baboons do little to stop raiding behaviour in the long-term.
The only sustainable and humane solution is to manage humans, not baboons. With a little planning and patience, Baboon Matters believes it is possible to minimise conflict by reducing easy access to human-derived food.

Baboons on the Cape Peninsula
A Guide for Residents and Visitors
by Ruth Kansky
A joint production from Baboon Management Team
International Fund for Animal Welfare

Jenni Trethowan
084 413 9482
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